First, recognize that this is wilderness, meaning no wifi and only Verizon cell service, no other cell providers work here. Also no trash service - pack it in, pack it out. There are only 8 sites and reservations are required in advance, no drive-ups. But it is worth all these qualifiers as the views in every direction are spectacular! This is the best place we found near the Catwalk of the Gila Wilderness, and it is a hidden gem. And I do mean hidden. Between mile markers 56 and 57 on NM Hwy 180 there is a brown sign with binoculars and the number 42. The sign can be easily missed, but I posted a photo so you know what to look for. About 10 yards northwest of the sign take the dirt road, and just after turning onto it there is a street sign that says Sundial Springs Road. Take every left-hand turn when there is an option, NEVER GO RIGHT. Less than a mile from the turnoff you will hit a closed gate with a sign that says you are not welcome if you have no reservations. Now you know you are in the right place. If you made reservations, you know the rest, as proprietor Shelly will give you directions when you reserve.